Commencement Information

从你们毕业的那一天起,你们就会成为十大电子游艺网站排行大家庭的重要一员. 活跃的校友实际上让学位更有价值,因为他们让学校更有知名度. Through you, 更多的人将把卢大学视为一所优秀的学校,它培养出杰出的毕业生,他们参与到自己的社区中,并与母校保持联系. 如果没有我们的校友的积极支持和参与,我们在拉马尔所取得的任何成就都不会发生.

有关通过校友事务办公室参与的方式以及如何成为年度校友捐赠者的更多信息, visit the Alumni website.

  • Dates, Times and Location

    Dates, Times, Location for Ceremonies:

    Commencement Ceremony - Latest Information


  • Academic Attire / Ordering Cap and Gown
    • With the exception of active duty military personnel (see below), 所有毕业生参加毕业典礼必须穿戴适当的校徽. 帽子,长袍和兜帽可在LU书店购买:电话(409)880-8342或 visit the website.
    • 学位授予前,须将流苏戴在右眼上,学位授予后须戴在左眼上.
    • Candidates are encouraged to wear comfortable shoes. 在仪式期间将会有大量的站立和行走,包括倾斜的地面.
    • 考生应将钱包、夹克及其他个人物品交由朋友保管 or family member. 在毕业典礼上,没有一个安全的地方存放这些物品,毕业生可能不会回到房间.
    • 考生要确保手边有发夹和安全别针来固定帽子、兜帽和礼服.
  • Military


    Red, 任何现役军人都可以获得白色和蓝色的军事服务绳, 有兴趣在毕业典礼上佩戴的卫兵/预备役或退伍军人. 有兴趣让十大电子游艺网站排行用军事服务证书来纪念他们的服务的学生应该联系退伍军人事务办公室,电话:(409)880-8437或通过电子邮件


  • Latin Honors Graduates - Undergraduate


    1. Have completed at least 60 hours at Lamar University.
    2. Have a grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.50 for all undergraduate course work attempted at Lamar University.


    只有在十大电子游艺网站排行完成的课程才会被计入荣誉GPA. 转学课程不包括在荣誉gpa的计算中. 在十大电子游艺网站排行本科阶段取得的所有成绩都将被视为毕业荣誉,但不包括学术新开始豁免的成绩, Academic Appeals or Grade Replacement1.

    Cum laude – 3.5 to 3.64

    Magna cum laude – 3.65 to 3.79

    Summa cum laude – 3.8 to 4.0


    Because the degrees are not conferred until after commencement, 在毕业典礼上授予拉丁荣誉学位时,不考虑当前学期的成绩. Transcripts and diplomas after graduation, however, will reflect the final GPA after all grades are in.

    Eligible students will be contacted, by email, 在毕业典礼之前,将被允许在资格电子邮件中指定的时间范围内领取荣誉证书. 没有在毕业典礼前的规定时间内领取毕业证书的学生可以在毕业典礼上领取毕业证书. 所有学生将被要求提供他们的身份证来领取他们的荣誉勋章.

    研究生,获得硕士或博士学位,将没有资格获得拉丁荣誉. Graduate students are required, by Graduate Studies, to maintain a 3.0 or higher to graduate. If you are a part of an honor society you may wear the cord they provide.

    If you have questions regarding this policy, please contact

    1 奥索普卢默奖的资格仍将根据所有已完成的课程来确定,无论是否有豁免,都不考虑以前的成绩.
  • Diploma and Transcripts and Fees

    您在十大电子游艺网站排行记录系统中输入的正式姓名将用于毕业,除非由记录办公室(温伯利102)处理更改姓名, 409-880-8365) by the payment deadline. You will need to complete an official Name Change form. However, 如果学生希望添加或删除一个婚前或中间名的文凭和毕业课程, they just need to indicate the change on their graduation application.

    一般来说,毕业证书可以在温伯利大楼112室领取. If you are NOT able to pick your diploma up at the Wimberly building, diplomas will begin to be mailed 3 weeks following the commencement ceremony. Please allow two to four weeks for delivery. It will be mailed to the address indicated on your graduation application. If all of your courses have not yet been graded at the time of commencement, your diploma will not be available. 一旦所有课程成绩完成并确认资格,我们将立即将您的文凭邮寄到您在毕业申请中提供的邮寄地址.

    Additional or Replacement Diplomas

    如果您想订购额外的文凭副本,请通过电子邮件通知我们 for graduate students and for undergraduate students. Additional diplomas are $25 each.

    Additional or Replacement Diploma Form


    毕业典礼结束后第三个工作日结束时,学位才会显示在成绩单上. If you need an official transcript reflecting your degree, ask to place a "Hold for Degree" notice on your transcript request.


    Graduation Fee Policy (revised Jan 2019)
  • Additional Information and Forms
    • 如果您希望您的名字包含在该计划中,请确保取消对您帐户的保密限制, website and press releases. You will be notified by email if you have a confidentiality restriction.
    • Release of Directory Hold Form sign & date bottom line of form to release confidentiality hold
    • 在毕业典礼前的周一查看这个网站,看看你的名字是否在毕业名单上.
    • Pick a place to meet family and friends after the ceremony.
    • As you celebrate your accomplishment, 请记住这是一个重要的学术仪式,并尊重你周围的人. The possession or use of alcohol, noisemakers such as air horns, fireworks, balloons, flags, confetti, banners, selfie sticks or illegal substances is strictly prohibited. This list is not comprehensive. 如果设备对其他嘉宾或毕业生造成干扰,则不允许在竞技场或地板上使用.
    • Flash Photography will be your official commencement photographer. Every graduate will be photographed at the ceremony. If you have not received proofs within 2 weeks of the ceremony, please contact Flash directly at 888-325-3930 or at
    • Verification Request Form-Eligibility to Graduate 如果你的雇主需要毕业资格通知,请填写此表格.
    • Requirements for Tuition Rebate Program for Eligible Undergraduates If you believe you qualify, please complete the Tuition Rebate form. Must be completed before commencement. 已毕业及未申请学费减免的学生,毕业后不得申请.
    • Did you miss the application deadline? You can still submit a paper application to your graduation coordinator. Fill out the graduation application and return it to your coordinator. Master level graduates and doctoral candidates should contact Undergraduate level graduates should contact




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